Tuesday, January 17, 2017

To Hoop Or Not To Hoop

To hoop or not to hoop...that is the question. It's a very important question and I've been asked it before. But, to be honest, I've never really been sure how to answer it. When it comes to cross stitching I hardly ever use a hoop. However, if I'm going to embroider something I will almost always use one. So, how to answer that question? Let's look at some pros and cons of using and not using a hoop and we'll go from there.


  • Keeps the fabric taut as you work 
  • Helps keep your stitches even and consistent
  • Basic wooden hoops are very cheap and affordable
  • Hoops are portable and can be used anywhere

  • You will almost always have a ring left in your fabric from where your hoop was
  • Floss will most likely get caught on the screw of the hoop
  • Hoops can damage existing stitches
  • Hoops that are not cleaned properly can leave dirt on your fabric
Now that you are aware of some of the pros and cons of using a hoop, let's talk about the hoops themselves. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, as well as different materials. You can get anywhere from less than 3" to 11" or even larger. You can get circles, ovals, rectangles, and squares. They come in wooden, plastic, or metal. How will you ever know which one works best for you? My suggestion? Hold it in your hands. Does it feel comfortable? Can you easily reach the center of the hoop to work? If you answered yes to the previous questions then it's probably a good choice. Try it out. If you can't comfortably stitch in the center of the hoop, try a smaller size.

Here's a few things to keep in mind if you choose to use a hoop:

  • Remove the hoop whenever you are not stitching
  • Always keep the screw of the hoop on the opposite side of your thread to prevent tangling
  • Ensure that your hoop is clean before every use
If you've never stitched without a hoop, give it a try. Who knows, maybe you'll like it!

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