Friday, December 20, 2019

52 Weeks of Art: Week 25

Week 25: Needle Felting

Welcome to week 25 of 52 weeks of art! What are we doing this week?

    So, this week we have needle felting. If you've never heard of needle felting, that's okay. I'll explain what it is. You take some wool, which is super soft (it's like petting the softest floof you've ever pet), and you stab at it a bajillion times with a barbed needle. What you're trying to accomplish is turning the loose, fluffy wool into a solid object. The barbed needle agitates the fibers and helps them to stick together.

     You don't have to create a 3D object by doing this. You can also needle felt some wool onto fabric. You can needle felt onto your clothes or whatever you want, really. I've seen some pretty amazing needle felted pieces of art on Instagram. I even saw some cool stop motion videos. So, needle felting is pretty versatile.

     I've needle felted a time or two over the years. My girls like to do it. The Oldest made Starry Night one time. I was going to take a picture of it... but I'm not sure where it's at right now. Use your imagination. The Little One made herself a pin cushion ring shaped like a narwhal. Do I have a picture of that one? Also no. It's in her room somewhere. I don't even know where the floor is in her room right now. Ugh. Kids, right?

     Rebecca came over and we pulled out my stash of needle felting goods and got to work. If you're thinking this will be a quick project, think again. When I said you have to stab it a bajillion times, I was not joking. Since Rebecca is afraid of 3D artwork, she decided to make an abstract piece on a scrap piece of fabric. I did a 3D needle felted sculpture.

     I tried to do a 3D needle felted sculpture.

     The supplies you need are simple, you need a barbed needle felting needle, some roving wool, and a piece of foam to work on. Getting stabbed with a barbed needle hurts, so having some finger gloves is helpful. I know from personal experience. 

Before I show you what I made, let's take a look at some real needle felting artists. They are truly amazing what they can create with just a loose ball of fluffy wool. Serious.

Click here to see some seriously amazing works of needle felted art.

Found these adorable little guys here.

This is NOT The Oldest's, but it is Starry Night. Found it here.

Needle felted painting found here.

     I don't think that fiber art gets the credit that it deserves. I mean, look at those! They're amazing! People are still stuck in the thought that fiber art isn't really art, it's just a crafty thing to do to pass the time or something. It's not. It's art. We need to start thinking about fiber art differently. 

     If we can call this art...

     Then why can't we call this art?

     If you're putting just as much time, effort, and love into creating your fiber piece, it should be considered fine art, not just a craft. Sorry about the rant. I just get frustrated with people who think fiber art is just a crafty way to pass the time. Something to really care about.

    Alright, now I'm done going on about that. Here's my needle felted sculpture:

Here's where I remembered I need to take pictures of the process.

Here's where I started adding legs.

Here I started adding some details into the wings. I decided I didn't like it and pulled it all out.

Here's Ted. He's a friendly little guy.

Here's Ted from the side. It's not his best side.

Here's a slightly better picture of Ted. Let's just say that Ted isn't the most photogenic of dragons.

On to rating needle felting...

     Just a reminder on the criteria for rating each medium.

Ease of use: How easy was this medium to use.

Affordability: How affordable supplies are for each medium.

Accessibility: How easily accessible supplies are for each medium. Example, are specific tools required that are hard to find?

Fun to Use: How much enjoyment I got out of using this medium

     So, for needle felting, my rating is: 16

Ease of use: 3
 It's not hard to stab something over and over. It is hard to try and shape a shapeless ball of fluff into something, though.

Affordability: 4
     Pretty affordable. You can get an entire kit of everything you need to get started for $20. With that kit you can make several small needle felted sculptures or paintings.

Accessibility: 5
     Needle felting is pretty popular right now. You can get supplies at arts and crafts stores or online.

Fun to Use: 4
    It's fun trying to turn something into something else. Especially when it really doesn't look like it'll turn into anything to start with. Just don't stab yourself. Ouch.

     If you would like to go on this epic art adventure with me, next week we will be doing...

     If you choose to follow along, please post your work using #52weekartadventure!

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