Friday, January 10, 2020

52 Weeks of Art: Week 26

Week 26: Animation

Welcome to week 26 of 52 weeks of art! What are we doing this week?

     It's been a couple of weeks since we worked on our 52 week art adventure. We took two weeks off for the holidays and a funeral. We're on week 26 now. This marks the halfway point! I can't believe we've already done half a year of art. Where did the time go? Anyway...

     This week we have animation. Oh boy. There are a few different things we could do for animation: stop motion, flip book, hand drawn cells, claymation, etc. It's a very versatile medium. Several weeks back I had to help The Oldest with her homework project. She had to make a video based on a book she read for English class. She had me draw the whole thing. Ugh. I spent HOURS working on this project for her. I used the app Stop Motion Studio to take pictures of each drawing I made. Well, turns out that I couldn't export the video from my phone. Ugh! I had to then get another app that recorded my phone's screen so I could record the video. So much work. I wasn't able to completely edit the whole thing, the end shows me stopping the recording.

     So, for this animation project I wanted to try a different app. I got the Animator app by Pics Art. This app is great. I love it! It's very easy to use and fun, too. I was able to draw right on my phone to create my animation. You can also add all sorts of things. It's really awesome. I highly recommend you check it out if you have any interest in trying out animation! Did I mention that the app was free? Free! Even better. 

     I don't think I need to show you any examples of animation. I'm fairly certain that every person on this planet knows what animation is and has seen some form of it at least ONCE in their life. So, here's my animated creation.


On to rating animation...

     Just a reminder on the criteria for rating each medium.

Ease of use: How easy was this medium to use.

Affordability: How affordable supplies are for each medium.

Accessibility: How easily accessible supplies are for each medium. Example, are specific tools required that are hard to find?

Fun to Use: How much enjoyment I got out of using this medium

     So, for animation, my rating is: 20

Ease of use: 5
 I'm only giving this a 5 because the animator app is super easy. If you go about using a different form of animation, it's not that easy.

Affordability: 5
     Again, I'm giving this a 5 because the animator app is free.

Accessibility: 5
     If you have a smart phone, you can get the animator app.

Fun to Use: 5
  I really enjoyed making this animation. The first one I did, for The Oldest, was frustrating but fun. But using the animator app was really enjoyable. There are so many things to explore on the app. Hours of fun to be had.

     If you would like to go on this epic art adventure with me, next week we will be doing...

     If you choose to follow along, please post your work using #52weekartadventure!

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