Friday, October 4, 2019

52 Weeks of Art: Week 14

Week 14: Marker

Welcome to week 14 of 52 weeks of art! What are we doing this week?

     Markers! What qualifies as a marker? There are so many different things out there, but I wasn't exactly sure what makes a marker. According to the dictionary, a marker is something that is used for marking. So yeah, that was super unhelpful. Does that make a pen a marker? What's the difference? I don't know! I couldn't really find any definite answers. It's even more confusing when something is labeled as a marker pen. If you look up "marker" in art supplies you'll get about a zillion results - there are so many types of markers!
  • alcohol ink
  • brush
  • paint
  • chalk
  • watercolor
  • dry erase
  • permanent
  • etc...
     That's just the TYPES of markers, then you have a million different brands of markers for each type. There's Crayola, Copic, Sharpie, Micron, Expo, etc. There is a huge price difference between all the markers as well. Copic markers, for example, are around $8 a piece. That's right, $8 for just ONE marker. You can get a set of 10 Crayola markers for less than $5. So yeah, big difference. Now, that's not saying that Copic markers and Crayola markers work the same - they are completely different markers. But, honestly, if you just want to try out coloring with markers, Crayola isn't bad. 

     You've selected your markers and are ready to go! Now you just gotta figure out what paper you want to use. I pulled out my collection of art markers and paper and tried them all out. I used some cold press watercolor paper, hot press paper, copy paper, and finger painting paper. 

Various art markers and papers.
     I found that I really liked using the finger painting paper. It is incredibly thin paper, but somehow doesn't bleed through. Amazing. Using the Copic markers on copy paper bled through three pages, but didn't go through the finger painting paper. Wow. I was impressed. Also, the shiny surface of the paper really allowed the ink to flow and do it's thing. The other papers just absorbed the ink. Is this the paper recommended by professional marker artists? I highly doubt it. But, I liked it.

     Before I show you what I ended up making, let's take a look at some real artists work.

I found this here. And so many more AMAZING pieces.

You can BUY this cute little guy here.

     Now that you know what real artists can do with markers, are you ready to see what I made?

Here it is! It's a fox.

     I'm pretty sure I didn't actually use the markers the way you're supposed to use markers. In fact, I don't know if I even know how to use markers the right way. I kept trying to use them like paint. They are not paint. Will I be using markers more in the future? I don't know. Maybe I will. I probably should, I've got some markers. I would hate for them to go to waste, why not use them? Here's a close up of my little fox.



On to rating marker...

     Just a reminder on the criteria for rating each medium.

Ease of use: How easy was this medium to use.

Affordability: How affordable supplies are for each medium.

Accessibility: How easily accessible supplies are for each medium. Example, are specific tools required that are hard to find?

Fun to Use: How much enjoyment I got out of using this medium

     So, for marker, my rating is: 18

Ease of use: 5
   If you can use a pencil, you can use a marker. Markers are very easy use. My only problem with markers is the overlap you get with them, all the lines.

Affordability: 4
     I'm going to dock a point for this because if you want to get actual "art" markers, they are very pricey. But yeah, if you just wanna try out some markers, there are some much cheaper options. They are lesser quality, but you don't need high quality to just test out markers. Right? I don't know, I'm no marker expert.

Accessibility: 5
     Cheaper markers, like Crayola, are literally available in every store. At least, the stores I shop at. Okay, high end clothing stores aren't going to sell Crayolas, but you get what I mean.

Fun to Use: 4
     I was not a huge fan of markers. I don't think it's for me. Obviously there are people out there who LOVE using markers. I'm just not really one of those people.

     If you would like to go on this epic art adventure with me, next week we will be doing...

     If you choose to follow along, please post your work using #52weekartadventure!

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