Friday, October 25, 2019

52 Weeks of Art: Week 17

Week 17: Pencil

Welcome to week 17 of 52 weeks of art! What are we doing this week?

     Well, here we are, week 17. Our medium this week is pencil. That's right. Just your basic #2 pencil. I didn't even use a mechanical pencil, just your standard wooden, yellow Ticonderoga pencil.

     I have to be honest, I did NOT want to use pencil. I'm not a fan of pencil drawing. I do use a pencil pretty much every day. I use pencils to sketch things out before I use a different medium. I use pencils to write stuff down, make lists. Pencils are a part of my every day life. I think I take them for granted. They're always there for me. I use them, and then I end up erasing their work when I'm done.

      So, this week I had to actually draw - and finish - a whole picture using just my trusty pencil. Ugh. Before we get into that, let's just take a look at what some other artists are able to create using just a pencil.

Found this here.
Found this guy here.

     That's pretty amazing stuff, right? That's a pretty high standard to meet with just my pencil. But, here we go. Pencil artwork. I didn't need to test out any papers, I have used pencils on every type of paper I own at this point. So, I went with your standard drawing paper for this.

And, here we go - pencil drawing! (It's some blueberries, in case you can't tell.)

On to rating pencil...

     Just a reminder on the criteria for rating each medium.

Ease of use: How easy was this medium to use.

Affordability: How affordable supplies are for each medium.

Accessibility: How easily accessible supplies are for each medium. Example, are specific tools required that are hard to find?

Fun to Use: How much enjoyment I got out of using this medium

     So, for pencil, my rating is: 18

Ease of use: 5
  For realsies, anyone can use a pencil. 

Affordability: 5
     So very affordable. Everyone has a pencil.

Accessibility: 5
     Pencils are probably the easiest of all art supplies to find. Except at my house, my house is like a giant black hole for pencils.

Fun to Use: 3
    I do not like to finish off a piece of art in pencil. I'm just not a fan of the whole thing. I don't know why. But, I will continue to sketch out just about everything I draw in pencil before moving on to a different medium.

     If you would like to go on this epic art adventure with me, next week we will be doing...

     If you choose to follow along, please post your work using #52weekartadventure!

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